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a boston guy is pitching shark tank a giant plastic bubble soccer league

by:KK INFLATABLE      2020-06-08
Football is as popular in the United States as ever, but would you like more contact?
Thanks to a start-up in Boston.
Educated entrepreneurs, you can enjoy all the fun of football and the hard life that comes with it.
John Anthony Rados tower will travel to shark tanks next week on behalf of the national bubble Football Association (NABS)
This is the official organization of a football game where all players are wearing a huge inflatable bubble called the destruction of the ball.
The perfect crossover between football and bumper cars, the sport is currently available in more than 43 locations across North America via NABS.
Radosta, who grew up in Norwood and graduated from Northeast China, is the founder and CEO of the parent company\'s advanced sports technology.
The company includes two departments, one of which is AquaArm-a hands-
Free hydration system for runners. (
The other is the national bubble Football Association. )
Although Radosta doesn\'t think he invented bubble football, he says his organization is promoting the sport in the United States. S.
And make it easier for people who want to participate.
\"About two years ago, I saw it in videos in the UK and Australia,\" Radosta said . \".
\"It looks like a great time and the video is starting to go viral.
Radosta, who is now working in the Financial Times.
Lauderdale Dale is looking for a way to play with friends, but found that this way is not common in the United States yet.
\"No one really provides it anywhere because you can\'t find them without equipment [
In a regular sports store,’’ he said.
\"Basically, I started a company.
We make all the equipment, let people use it, give them a manual with everything they need to know about how to run the business, and the official rules on how to run the game.
\"Nabs is now working with entrepreneurs and sports clubs in different cities in North America to establish franchises and launch regional alliances and event services.
In Boston, there is an affiliate called New England bubble football, which is open for league or private events.
According to Radosta, safety is a priority as sports and companies develop and he sees it as a great success.
\"The interesting thing about bubble football is that, throughout our year and a half of operations, we have not suffered any concussion-related injuries at all,\" Radosta said . \".
\"Our knees are twisted, our ankles are twisted, and you have almost that risk in any movement.
The equipment we are making is very safe and very durable, it provides a very good player experience, and our administrators are well trained in how to promote player safety.
Radosta will be on the shark tank on Friday, hoping to get the first round of funding for the NABS.
He also hopes to seek help from a shark when launching a sponsorship program, as he sees great potential for advertising on the wreck.
But he finally hopes bubble football will become a national competitive league.
Radosta says he has gained interest in event coverage from Telemundo and ESPN and hopes to host a national championship in Las Vegas.
He hopes that one day the Games will be as big as any entertainment or spectator sport in the United States. S.
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