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banzai water slide - where to buy a backyard water slide for summer

by:KK INFLATABLE      2020-06-18
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When the weather is really good and you want your family to be in the garden, you definitely need to invest in an excellent backyard waterslide.
The best solution right now is probably to buy an original water slide at Banzai Falls.
If you choose this particular inflatable water slide, you will ensure excitement and fun for the kids during the summer vacation.
The Banzai waterfall water slide is huge, so kids can climb up the back of the slide using the embedded ladder horizontal.
When they get to the top of the mountain, they just need to sit down and rest.
They would go straight along the slide and have a very smooth landing in the water-filled pool at the bottom.
More details about the Banzai water slide this is a very powerful inflatable water slide.
It is 10 feet tall, 18 feet long and 5 feet wide.
The load limit capacity of this slide is a weight damage 200lbs, which means that it is almost impossible for this slide to be destroyed due to excessive weight or strain.
This backyard water slide is made of PVC spray Terylene, which provides additional strength and support.
The actual slip area is made of a PVC-covered polyester TARP.
This helps children to experience the slides full of laughter from top to bottom.
Once you\'re ready to erect this particular slide, you\'ll need to simply expand it so it\'s flat in the garden in the front or in your back garden.
Attach the water bag to both sides.
This will help to keep it firmly in place.
You will also need to set up several surface piles around the slide area, which will provide further stability.
Connect the blower, flip the switch, and the whole device will be inflated and formed in a short period of time.
Easy to store and transport when not in use, you will get a very convenient tote bag where you can keep this water slide.
Pack it up after summer and use it year after year.
The price of this comprehensive package also includes a repair kit to prevent water slides from leaking.
You will be able to fix it yourself without too much difficulty.
If you want to make sure your kids have a great summer, buy a Banzai waterfall water slide today.
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