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designing playground equipment by pete tooley

by:KK INFLATABLE      2020-06-19

Today\'s playground equipment designers are more talking about the impact of amusement equipment on the environment, understanding how to stimulate children\'s learning through games, and how to stimulate imagination in the child\'s heart.This is a much better offer than the old idea of \"keeping them away from the Street.Even the playground equipment of the school has joined the ranks of innovation. games are an integral part of children\'s development. The school even integrates mathematical thinking into sports.E lessons.Using a multi-purpose play area (also known as MUGA) is an innovative step in creating more features to use children\'s outdoor playground equipment, with reduced space requirements, since the multiple activities of the area are designed to accommodate the available space, the huge area of sports is denied, no matter how ideal this may beInnovative Game equipment allows children to move and enjoy the game at all stages of their growth.From rock climbing to trail equipment, a variety of designs are designed to give children confidence in their abilities and encourage them to develop team building skills and stay highly active.Many playground designers now incorporate the natural world into their designs, allowing teachers and students to interact with nature, from gardening to bird watching.The development of the sensory garden is far from the cold and hard metal frame game area in the past.These sensory areas provide excitement for children with health problems, encourage the touch of a variety of textures, and listen to the sound of various wind chimes.All age groups need to be incorporated into the playground design, but when children reach the level of secondary education, there will be less demand for imaginative games, paying more attention to athletic ability and teamwork, the MUGA system mentioned earlier was also designed according to this age group.These systems encourage the unity of the whole body.Coordination of the use of other online sports such as football and basketball.Since it is difficult for teens to stay interested, school playground experts also need to consider the technology used in this age group, and school shelters are starting to see the use of Bluetooth youth shelters on the playground.For anyone who wants to overhaul a school or public playground, the playground is funded and most reputable playground designers will be happy to provide information on the source of funding for your new project.
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