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everybody into the (water park) pool

by:KK INFLATABLE      2020-06-14
Cindy presjan
Correction of 27, 2006. m.
At the Wolf Inn, the hotel is jumping.
\"We hope you have a good time here and stay alert,\" the receptionist said cheerfully . \".
\"The hall is beginning to snow!
\"It could be a strange concept for most hotels, but in the Big Wolf, the newly opened $92-
In the million resorts of the Pocono Mountains, it is just another quirky twist on the elements.
When you have 78,000, what little holiday snowfall is in the lobbysquare-
Is there a water park next door?
Get ready, northeast.
Over the past decade, a new, thriving indoor water park resort in the Midwest has hit the East Coast.
A quirky fashion start in Western Canada
After 80 s, it spread to Wisconsin Dell in 1994, and after 90 s, it accelerated in places such as Minnesota, Iowa, Illinois, Michigan and Ohio, and has officially moved in.
This is the latest growth in indoor water-
Analysts say the value of the park industry is expected to be $4.
8 billion by the end of this year, a significant increase from the estimated $0. 7 billion in 2000.
In addition to the wolf hotel opened in November.
There is 1 Scotrun in Pa.
On 2006, Wolf Resorts will open hotels in Cincinnati and Niagara Falls, Ontario.
The Six Flags plan to open their indoor waters next month.
The Park Resort, the Kingdom of Great Escape and splash water, in Lake George, N. Y.
Even New York City could be involved. -
The proposed $0. 168 billion East River water park by the Park Department and the Landes Island Sports Foundation includes a 7. 25-
Some acres indoors. Cutting-
Fringe culture may start off the coast and move to the center, but when it comes to families --
Resorts in inland areas are paving the way.
Advertising on the road to wolf 95
The property of Acre, on both sides of which are the humpback mountains and the small town of Scotrun, is the first time visitors see mammoth elephant 401
The suite Cottage is a bit like a bump on the Pentagon.
Assistant general manager Mike Ryan said that even with so much space, the hotel has broken the company reservation record since it opened.
\"Most guests come from New York, New Jersey or Pennsylvania, and are not family of four.
Five, six, seven.
Dale McFarland, general manager of the hotel, said the same thing in a telephone interview.
\"They call it \'reunions, \'\" he said, using travel
Industry terminology for families who are vacationing with other families or relatives.
To Sherrie Martin, Pa, Bethlehem
, The resort is a great solution to her 11-raised questionsyear-
Daughter Caroline\'s birthday.
\"What are you going to do? \" Ms. Martin said.
It looks perfect.
\"How much do children like water parks?
It\'s hard to measure, of course, but common sense says \"a lot \". \" Mr.
Before the opening of Wolf Lodge, local elementary school children were invited to a photography conference for free, Ryan said.
\"The call time is 5. m.
\"On weekdays,\" he said with a smile, \"the people in line are still outside the door.
From the lobby window overlooking the water park, you can easily see its appeal.
What unfolds in front of you is a huge collection of slides of all sizes, shapes and colors, swimming pools and play areas.
The front and center is Fort McKenzie, 20-
Horizontal tree house with two body slides, a huge dump bucket that holds 1,000 gallons of water and 60 gallons of water
There are also interactive water devices. (
I found out the meaning of the word is a water gun arsenal occupied by 12 people --year-old boys. )
The air in the entire enclosed space and 380,000 gallons of water are kept at 84 degrees-round.
There is a huge pool of activities where the kids are playing basketball or going through the Monkey Bar, a wave pool, a drifting River, an ankle --
Children\'s Pool and adult pool-
Only giant vortex
But rising in the distance, a large blue monster slide makes it clear who is the number one dog: the water and electricity plummet, a roller coaster, alternating between a motorized track and a free track --
Slippery water.
A big yellow sausage every 30 seconds.
The Tube in shape held down three people, and they screamed happily in the park. And with a 57-
These sounds are not just from the baby\'s mouth.
\"Can you trust this place? !
A wet father held his daughter\'s hand and shouted at the top of the water.
They have a bar downstairs? !
\"Another highlight of the slide is Coyote Canyon ---
Children often call it \"Toilet Bowl \"---
A closed chute that flows into the bowl like a giant radish.
Here, the rider is pushed into the bowl so hard that they are hung around the edge of the bowl about three times before being rushed down the small opening leading to the exit slide.
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There are also three twisted closed slides called Alberta Falls, two of which actually go through the walls of the building and place the rider outside, though closed with a tube, as part of the ride
\"No, you don\'t feel the temperature change . \"Ryan said.
Obviously, everyone asked.
Like the recently opened resort, the wolf has some problems to solve.
There is no map of the water park, food, mainly buffet, a little lack of inspiration.
However, the management insisted that the buffet format was working well due to the huge business volume.
Of course, this also reduces the cost of hungry families, and the price of food and drinks is quite reasonable.
As the night falls, couples linger in the bar watching their children run around in their pajamas or sitting in the lobby in India
The fireplace side style shares the story time with big bear Biko.
The enclosure of the Wolf--
You must be a guest of the hotel to enter the water park-
Give it a safe atmosphere like a cruise ship.
For Bill, betan Wheeler, and Greg Ferretti, there are friends with four children between them, which means they can have beer at the bar while their children are upstairsAs Mr.
\"They thought of everything,\" Ferretti said.
If I had $80 million, I would have built it myself.
\"Industry analysts will wait and see if the high cost of building and maintaining indoor water parks like the wolf will hinder their success in the northeast.
But Bill Halson, an economic consultant who has been tracking indoor water growth --
Park Resort has said for years that this is just the tip of the iceberg. \"The water-
The park resort is part of the accommodation business, not the water
\"Business in the park . \"Haralson said.
\"It fills the resort with recreational value that can be enjoyed every day of the year, not just when the weather works together.
2005 of his water.
Park construction report.
Haralson pointed out the obvious growth in indoor water --
The park resort industry, especially compared to the recently stalled General hotel opening.
Hotels with indoor water parks grow from 28 to 36% each year, while the entire hotel industry expects new supply in 2005 and 1% to be less than 2006.
Water in only 18 hotels in 2000
\"Park Resort,\" he said.
\"Today, more than 100 people have been opened nationwide.
\"Adults in suits will be nervous about the numbers, but for the kids who are about to reach the park, the verdict has come into effect.
In the words of birthday girl Caroline Martin, the 11-year-old is looking forward to jumping from 1 feet to the other, \"it will be great.
\"Advertising Water World Fashion East Wolf Hotel (570-688-
9899, No. 1 Wolf Avenue)
Scotrun in Pa.
Right next to Interstate 80, about an hour and a half from New York City.
The price of the suite ranges from $329 to $519 per night, but the water park is free.
The water park is open every day from 8: 30 for guests only. m. to 10 p. m.
Guests who want to ski at the nearby Camelback Ski resort should check the website (www. greatwolflodge. com)for specials.
Correction: On Friday, February 3, 2006, last Friday, the picture description in an article about the water park incorrectly identified an attraction at the Grand Wolf Inn in Pa Scotrun.
It\'s a water slide in Coyote Canyon, not a roller coaster.
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A version of this article was printed on page F00001 of the National edition on January 27, 2006, with the title: everyone enters (Water Park)Pool.
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