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first phoenix images reveal \'quilted\' martian terrain

by:KK INFLATABLE      2020-06-04
Ivan Semeniuk, pasadenapolympic crack like a quilting pattern in the northern plains of the soil of Mars (Image: NASA/JPL-
California Institute of Technology/University of Arizona)
Is the bright white object in the distance the protective shell of the lander? (Image: NASA/JPL-
California Institute of Technology/University of Arizona)
The picture shows that Phoenix successfully launched the solar panel (Image: NASA/JPL-
California Institute of Technology/University of Arizona)
A Phoenix foot was firmly planted on the ground. Image: NASA/JPL-
California Institute of Technology/University of Arizona)
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The ground near NASA\'s Phoenix Mars Lander is dotted with polygon patterns.
A similar pattern is formed on the cold ground in the Earth\'s Arctic region (Image: NASA/JPL-
California Institute of Technology/University of Arizona)
NASA\'s Mars Phoenix lander has expanded its solar panels and sent the first images of the Earth\'s northern plains back to Earth, showing a very flat and strange landscape.
Throughout the image, there is sufficient evidence that there should be \"polygons\" implied by the orbital image at the landing site \".
Polygons are defined by slots-
Like the boundary, it is likely that it is caused by the repeated expansion and contraction of the underground ice.
As can be seen through the eyes of Phoenix, these polygons provide quilts to the landing site
Like the appearance, it is characterized by low bulge and shallow depression.
All the photos seen so far show an area outside the lander robot arm \"excavation zone\", but Peter Smith, lead researcher at the University of Arizona in Tucson, USA, optimistic that the obvious interesting features in the terrain will continue to be close to the lander, where Phoenix can dig into the samples for detailed inspection.
\"This is the dream of scientists,\" Smith said . \"
If Phoenix is able to taste a trough it may find traces of \"complex history\" that may be related to the movement of water vapor between the ice that is thought to be located directly below the surface of the soil, smith told the New Scientist
The purpose of the Phoenix is to dig into the ice and look for traces of organic residues, which may indicate whether this part of Mars used to be suitable for living.
Smith also noted that the soil around the lander appears to be granular, \"like Gravel\", indicating the wind
In The Martian breeze, fine red dust-common at other landing sites-was taken away.
In a picture, a bright white object is clearly visible at a distance protruding to the horizon (
See picture below right).
Team members did not disclose their guess of what the object might be, but there is speculation here that it may be the protective shell of the lander, which was separated from Phoenix and the parachute less than a minute before landing.
This object may be imaging at a higher resolution and at different sun angles, which may help to solve the mystery.
On Sunday, about 1900 PDT, the image starts to flow down (
Greenwich Time on Monday 0300)
Provided by the Mars Odyssey spacecraft, the spacecraft returned to the landing site in Phoenix after passing on the lander\'s safe arrival at 1653 PDT earlier (
Greenwich Time on Monday 0053).
About 15 minutes after landing, Phoenix performed a pre-program after deploying solar panels and stereo cameras
Programmed image sequences designed to help engineers assess their health.
The photos clearly show the unfolding solar panels and the 1 feet lander firmly planted on the surface of Mars.
When the images poured into the mission control area of NASA\'s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California, a round of cheers was triggered.
Solar panels are almost as important to the mission\'s success as the landing itself.
Without them, the spacecraft could only survive 34 hours by battery.
The engineers were elated when they saw the dust.
Free conditions for the solar array, said Ed sedivi, Phoenix project manager at Lockheed Martin, who built the spacecraft.
The lander\'s own on-board instrument shows that it is almost horizontal and does not tilt more than 0. 25°.
If Phoenix finally tilts in the wrong direction, it will reduce the solar energy available for scientific experiments.
The data passed to the Earth during the descent of the spacecraft indicates that it carried out a \"rotation\" operation as planned, making its panel open along the East
Maximize power.
Barry Goldstein, Phoenix project manager, told reporters: \"We rehearsed all the problems, but none of them happened . \" He was obviously pleased with the seemingly smooth landing.
A significant difference from the textbook perfection is the opening of the lander parachute.
Five seconds later than expected.
This eventually led the Phoenix to land about 25 kilometers east at a location near its expected landing ellipse.
While this leaves engineers with a difficult question as to why the chute is deployed late, it is not expected to affect the science of Phoenix\'s return, as the differences within the landing ellipse are actually the same.
NASA\'s sixth successful landing marks landed on Mars after seven pirate numbers one in July 19.
But this impressive success rate masks the real concern of NASA managers about the pulse propeller landing system used in Phoenix for the last drop.
Before this evening, NASA\'s recent successes-including the Mars path probe in 1997 and the two Mars probes in 2004-were all wrapped in inflatable airbags on the surface of the Red Planet.
The Phoenix and future missions, including the more ambitious Mars Science Laboratory, were designed to land with a propeller, which is considered a heavier payload and any future attempt to send astronauts to Mars.
\"The way we land on Mars is by pushing the system and landing legs,\" said Ed Weiler, deputy administrator of NASA\'s science mission.
The most powerful camera ever sent to the Red Planet, the HiRISE camera on the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, will try to get around 0600 PDT (1400 GMT)on Monday.
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