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ford and chrysler give plans on installing air bags by 1990

by:KK INFLATABLE      2020-06-04
1986 this is a digital version of an article from The Times Print Archive, before it starts online in 1996.
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Two of America\'s top three automakers said today they plan to have airbags in at least half of their 1990 models.
Ford Motor and Chrysler said at a hearing before the Senate Business Committee that they plan to install inflatable bags to prevent drivers from crashing because standard equipment depends on the federal government extending the 1989 deadline for two front protection devicesseat occupants.
The Department of Transport has said it will approve the extension to prompt automakers to, while continuing to develop bags or belts to protect the other side, at least to equip the car with air bags in front of the driver-seat passenger.
These bags are automatically inflated in the collision, and are more favored by many car safety advocates than other restraint devices such as seat belts, because they can be disassembled if they are considered troublesome.
Brian O\'Neill said the ads promoted Ford and Chrysler\'s promise that in the 2 million model year, about 1990 new cars could be sold to provide airbag protection for drivers, the president of the Road Safety Insurance Association.
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The average annual sales of American cars, including imported cars, are between 9 million and 10 million.
Silent advertising for Japanese automakers
O\'Neal said in an interview that Japanese automakers are \"silent\" about their airbag plans, but expect most European manufacturers to equip their cars with airbags by 1990.
Milford, assistant director of automotive safety at GM.
Bennett told the hearing that his company was the largest automaker in the United States and did not have a \"firm plan\" to provide airbags on many of their cars \".
But he said the bags will be available as an option in Oldsmobile Delta 88\'s in 1988, \"in the future, airbags will appear.
Senator John C.
Dan forth, a Republican from Missouri who supports the use of airbags, said he was \"angry\" with the promises \", and worry that automakers are using \"just another game\" to delay deadlines for other government restrictions.
A version of the article appeared on page A00026 of the national edition of December 12, 1986, titled: Ford and Chrysler gave a plan to install the airbag 1990.
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