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hampstead heath water slide: 300-metre outdoor chute \'could be coming to london\'

by:KK INFLATABLE      2020-06-03
After a similar project in Bristol last year was a huge success, a huge outdoor water slide could come to London.
Planned installation 300-
This week, Hampstead Heath\'s rice water slide won support from thousands of people after Facebook launched the stunt.
More than 40,000 pleasure
The seekers said they would be attending the summer event, and the page was viewed 2 million times.
The idea is based on 90-
In last May, the rice slide was installed on a street in Bristol, which was greatly impacted.
However, organizers said today that they were forced to abandon the famous North London open space and look for another venue --
Because there are too many people who want to come.
Edward Ash, 24, is a graduate of the London School of Economics. He said he only imagined that hundreds of people would be interested.
He said: \"We just want to do something interesting. it\'s so simple. Obviously, it resonates with a lot of people.
\"The reaction is amazing and strange, but it gives you the energy to go there and realize it.
\"I do think London is jealous of Bristol --
But I think we can do this activity on a larger scale.
\"Unfortunately, Heath is not possible, but we are looking for different venues.
Mr. Ash, who manages the student club night, also tried to install a slide in Sakurada Hill and Greenwich Park --
But it was rejected by the Royal Park, which owns the two green spaces.
However, he claims to be holding high-level talks with a country estate outside London.
If successful, he hopes to install one in central London next year.
\"Hopefully we can get proof of concept and then do it in central London next year,\" he said.
\"I think this is a very interesting opportunity --
It will be amazing.
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