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horror accident as young girl dies after bouncy castle explodes

by:KK INFLATABLE      2020-06-06
A young child died after being \"exploded\" by an inflatable castle \"20 Feet\" on a crowded Norfolk beach.
According to the Daily Mail, the girl\'s heart stopped and panicked witnesses summoned an ambulance when the child was thrown out of an inflatable castle on gorston beach.
Witnesses described hearing the \"greatest explosion\" and seeing the girl \"leap into the air\" before the emergency service desperately used CPR to keep her alive.
The girl who has not been named is considered no more than four years old.
She was taken to James Paget Hospital where she died.
She has been playing trampoline on Gorleston beach with inflatable slides, traditional trampoline and rodeo.
The 47-year-old owner, Curt Johnson, was not present at the time of the tragedy, saying the inflatable could explode in the heat.
At tourist attractions 5 km from Greater Yarmouth, the temperature reaches 23 degrees Celsius as families make the most of the heat wave.
\"This is very disturbing,\" added Mr Johnson . \"
\"We have been on the beach for a long time and it must have been a few years and it was the first accident we had there and it was very shocking.
A witness said: \"I just saw the most terrible thing in my life.
\"An inflatable castle exploded on the beach, and the children on it were ejected into the air about 20 feet.
\"In this hot weather, please do not have your child on the inflatable castle, please pray for the 4 year old [who was]
After 15 minutes of CPR, he was rushed to the hospital.
\"I was very sad to hear that the little girl didn\'t succeed.
Send thoughts and prayers to her family.
Karen Selle was leaving the beach when he said: \"I was leaving the beach and I heard the biggest explosion and immediately turned around.
\"I stood at the top of the stairs near the cliff, overlooking the beach, where people were, and everyone was shocked.
\"I spoke to someone who described how the girl was thrown into the air about 20 feet and landed on the floor.
\"It\'s terrible.
A man gave the girl a period of CPR before she was sent to the hospital.
\"The inflatable castle is not like what I have seen before.
It\'s like a trampoline, so you can jump higher than a normal trampoline. \" Kayla-
Sitting just a few meters away from the accident, Ann Weaver said: \"I can\'t believe what I just saw at Golston beach.
I will never let my daughter in a castle with flexibility.
My idea is to be with the little girl\'s family.
\"I\'m right next to it. the girls want to go on. I said no.
I was sitting next to the fence and I heard a loud noise and I turned around and a little pink girl flew up and down.
\"They gave her CPR right away.
She looks a lot younger than four. years-old.
\"It\'s terrible.
Cherish every moment, you never know what will happen in the blink of an eye.
\"Joint investigation between health and safety supervisors (HSE)
The local government and police have investigated the incident.
Ambulance services in eastern England say they have received more than a dozen phone calls about the incident.
A spokeswoman said: \"This morning, we attended an incident at Gorleston Beach involving a patient using an inflatable device.
Just after eleven o\'clock A. M. , I received a dozen phone calls, including several people at the scene, including the Royal National Lifeboat Agency (RNLI)
Helping patients.
\"Several of our teams were dispatched and the first one came to the scene in four minutes.
On our arrival, the young woman was seriously injured, her heart beat stopped, and was taken to James Paget Hospital.
\"Sadly, she was declared dead despite all the effort and intervention.
\"We would like to thank everyone who rushed back to the young patient and did everything possible to give her treatment and care.
At this time, our thoughts are with our family.
\"The incident was a tragic one that became an interesting day of a large inflatable toy recently.
William Thurston, 29, married Shelby Thurston, 26
Who is responsible for a \"completely preventable\" death of seven peopleyear-
Old girl blown away in a bouncy castle, they are not properly protected
Sentenced to three years in prison in June
Grant was killed in the summer because a gust of wind lifted the inflatable device from the berth and \"rotated\" it 300 at the Easter fair in Essex Harlow, the trial at Chelmsford criminal court has been completed.
The couple, located on Wilburton Whitecross Road near Ely, cam county, were both convicted of manslaughter and health and safety after the incident on March 26, 2016.
An investigation jury in May 2010 ruled that the deaths of two women in Durham County were accidental, who were killed in an inflatable art explosion.
68-year-old Elizabeth Anne Collins and 38-year-old Claire fridges died after the dream space art explosion in Chesterle-
Streets of July 2006The huge walk-in structure -
Half the size of a football field
Take off in a gust of wind with 20 tourists inside.
Furmedge MS from Chesterle-
Street and MS Collings from Seaham were injured when they fell from the artwork.
Several other people were seriously injured.
The survey heard that there was no detailed discussion on how to fix the structure to the ground.
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