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‘insane’ video shows daredevil bmx bikers break into water park and ride massive abandoned slides

by:KK INFLATABLE      2020-06-14
Rebel BMX bikers broke into the water park, and the video of riding a huge abandoned slide \"crazy\" has led to the arrest of four people.
Viralclip, which has nearly 7 million views on YouTube, shows the gang skipping the barbed wire before climbing the slide and speeding by bike.
A group of daring motorcyclists broke into the sprish Splash Water Park on Long Island, USA, causing thousands of pounds worth of damage before being discovered by security guards. 22-year-
Old Bill Perry, the obvious ring.
The leader of the group, known for pulling similar stunts in the BMX circle.
He was accused of committing crimes with 19-year-old Anthony Panza, 25-year-old Jonathan nemek and 34-year-old Brian chilick.
Riders Jump, grind and drive while crossing the park twice
A one-hour stunt was held in the early morning of November 24.
The installed GoPro camera captures every aspect of their skill
Perry Upload 15-
Minutes of their Thanksgiving adventure.
\"It will be crazy,\" he said to the camera before adding: \"If we are not arrested, hopefully we will not be arrested.
We tried to do it last New Year, but it rained in the morning.
Park manager Mike Benton said the security guard informed the local police after catching the crew.
The park seems to be closed due to the winter closure and has recently done maintenance work on all the slides.
\"The scenic spots have been damaged.
\"We don\'t know the extent of the damage yet, but they all need to be re-checked,\" Benston said . \".
\"We just re-made some slides.
\"This year\'s coating is very expensive for us,\" he added . \".
Police reportedly used the video to identify the motorcyclists involved and arrested them.
The reporter tried to contact Perry and asked him to comment at home, but he was not there.
In the video description, Perry wrote: \"We \'ve been talking about sneaking into this waterpark and riding it for years.
Thanksgiving is here, and finally when I go out at six o\'clock A. M. , I hope to ride the water park and not be arrested.
\"It was crazy to be naive, and then we were discovered by security guards.
\"We pay for your story!
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