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militant in islamic state video believed to be british bouncy castle salesman

by:KK INFLATABLE      2020-06-05
In a video of the Islamic State, masked militants killed five men accused by the group of spying for the West, believed to be a Londoner named Sid, who once sold inflatable castles
Siddhartha Dahl, arrested on suspicion of belonging to a banned organization and encouraging terrorism, left the UK for Syria during police bail-out, the media called him a spokesman in the latest film of the militant group.
The video also shows a little boy and army in a black headscarf
Camouflage Suit in style, threatening \"kill kaffir in English (unbelievers)over there\".
Sunday Dare, a Londoner from Nigeria, identified the child as his four-year-old. year-
Old grandson Isa
Dare told the British media that his daughter was a devout Christian named Grace before she converted to Islam and renamed Khadijah.
She was born in Syria and joined Islamic State.
The video evokes the memory of \"Jihad John\", and another Briton appeared in several videos where the hostages were murdered before he was believed to have been killed in an air strike at the end of last year.
Dhar, also known as Abu rummassa, is the highest in Britain-
Profile of Islamists and quasi-Anjem Choudary, the most
Islamic missionaries accused of terrorism will be on trial next week.
Dhar is a Hindu convert living in East London and often participates in al-
Muhajiroun, and spoke regularly with the media to support the radical Islamic cause.
After leaving the UK, he gained further attention through online videos in which he exhorted life under the Islamic State.
The \"oppressive\" Khadijah Dare is also an enthusiastic propagandist for the group, which posted photos of itself and toddler\'s son pointing at the rifle on social media.
Dare reportedly left London for Syria in 2012 with the then-baby Isa.
After traveling to Islamic State-controlled territory, she married a Swedish jihadist named Abu Bakr.
The couple appeared together in the footage taken in Syria in 2013, joking about who among them had the best ak47.
A series of videos also provide some insight into Dhar\'s worldview.
Posted an article on his YouTube site entitled \"The Beauty of Islam and the caliphate\", he said: \"I grew up in the West and I lived in the UK all my life, I have seen what democracy will bring, and frankly, it is very depressing.
His sister Konika told the British media that the man in the video sounded like her brother, echoing the views of others familiar with him.
Neither she nor the security experts said, however, that they could be sure of him.
British intelligence officials are analyzing the film, and a security source says they have yet to conclude about the man\'s identity.
British officials say as many as 800 Britons have traveled to Iraq and Syria, some of whom have joined the Islamic State and about half have returned home.
About 70 people are believed to have been killed. In the 10-
Minutes of video released on Sunday showed masked men threatening British Prime Minister David Cameron with a clear British accent before shooting dead one of the spies.
This video brings to mind the scene of the Londoner Mohammed emvazi beheaded in the video, who is called \"Jihad John\" worldwide \".
Robb Leech learned about Dhar while making a documentary about his own stepbrother, who was imprisoned for terrorism in 2013, and said the militants in the video looked and sounded both
Dhar has never been as violent and friendly as he is, he said.
British newspapers say he used to sell children\'s inflatable bodyguards, known as inflatable castles in Britain, and is a fan of Arsenal Football Club and rock band Nirvana.
\"The last time I saw him was two months before he left, he joined so-
We are called Islamic State \".
\"It has a very good temper,\" Lich told BBC radio . \".
He said: \"I don\'t understand to remember him like this and then see him in this video . \" He added that Dhar must have had some very important experiences with the Islamic State in Syria to enable him to do what he has done.
\"Because as far as I know, the person I know is not more capable of doing this than you or me.
\"In a video on his YouTube site, Dhar is somewhat at a distance from the killing of American citizensS.
A British citizen apparently beheaded by Jihad John.
\"I don\'t want to see another James welfare, Steven sotlov, or David Haines, but unfortunately the West and Europeans practice Califa in air strikes and intervention policies, sadly, I don\'t see any end to this, \"said Dhar.
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