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summer wroniecki injured when inflatable slide is blown ...

by:KK INFLATABLE      2020-06-09
A six-year-
The little girl was seriously injured when her inflatable slide was blown by a gust of wind into another ride for 150 yards on a family entertainment Day.
Wroniecki was thrown into the air at the Children\'s Gala in Farf, Scotland, and put into another ride.
The little girl struggled with a rare cancer that began with her muscles and she was diagnosed after her third birthday.
At an event yesterday at Duffus Park in Cupar, the freak accident caused three other children and an adult to be injured in front of a terrified bystander.
A witness described the shocking scene of the children \"Rolling in the air like a rag.
\"In the summer, with many children, they were thrown into the air,\" she said.
It seems to have happened in slow motion.
They roll in the air like dolls.
\"I think she was riding another car in the summer. That\'s how she got hurt.
She\'s only a little bit.
Incredibly, it was her after all she had gone through.
\"I just hope she\'s okay.
Scottish police confirmed. year-
Four children and one adult were injured when the slide took off, one of whom was an old man.
A police spokesman confirmed that the inflatable slide was blown into the crowd around 150 yards.
St. John Ambulance volunteers in the park helped those injured before the first aid service arrived to treat five injuries.
She was taken to hospital for further examination in the summer, but the extent of her injury was unknown.
Scotland was hit by unusually bad summer weather at the time of the accident, which raised questions about why children were allowed to take the inflatable slide.
A mother said: \"It had exploded before it took off.
Swing in the wind
It doesn\'t look safe at all. \'But mother-of-
Two Lindsay Alexander\'s children are at the bottom of the inflatable slide, and he says it is an abnormal accident that has happened in a popular event that has not had any accidents for many years.
She said that the six children had just come down the slide and suddenly a strong wind blew down.
Gusts pulled it off the berth and bumped the guy who looked after the slide into my nineyear-old son Fergus.
Then it went through the fields and pushed people aside.
This is devastating.
Another witness, who did not want to be named, said: \"This is the most terrible thing I have ever seen.
People are running and screaming.
Like a scene in a movie.
The organizing committee of the event said that \"all safety precautions are risk assessments\", but a comprehensive investigation will be conducted.
They said in a statement: \"Unfortunately, we have no control due to bad weather conditions and there is indeed an emergency.
\"The community came together again and the party committee was very grateful for that.
But some angry tourists say the inflatable device should not be installed.
Letta Kelly wrote on the Facebook page on the day of the party: \"It\'s great to see everyone together, but this accident can be avoided.
\"That inflatable should not be put up, I said as someone who was hit by it with my daughter, who is now terrified and scarred.
What control mechanisms have been introduced and implemented in detail in the risk assessment?
I\'m sorry to say it, but I\'m still very upset and angry about this terrible event that can be completely avoided.
Summer, from Cupar, was diagnosed with fibroid on the second day after her third birthday.
Last night, the family was believed to have been at her Victoria hospital when she was treated in Kirkcaldy.
Her parents, Chris and Karen, and eight-year-old brother Brodi, took the lead in launching a huge fundraising campaign for her honor, raising 65,000 for children\'s cancer charities hundreds of miles on foot
A friend of the family said the accident was another blow to the family.
At the same time, the rain and strong winds also mean that the UCI Mountain Bike World Cup held in the Nevis mountains near Fort William was postponed.
In the Western Islands, the ferry was canceled due to strong winds.
While record-setting elsewhere in the UK, strong winds hit Scotland
Break the sun.
In Fafu, the annual entertainment day of the North Glenross Community Council had to be canceled as the playground was unable to install equipment in strong winds.
The day sports activities planned by Dundee City Square were also canceled due to the wind.
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