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terrified of rollercoasters? more accidents happen on water slides, state data shows

by:KK INFLATABLE      2020-06-18
The roller coaster may look big and scary, but you are more likely to get hurt from the water slide.
New Jersey obtained security data review from the New Jersey community affairs department.
Com revealed that water slides are the biggest source of damage for people to seek excitement at amusement parks and carnivals.
Of the 552 rides that have taken place in the past five years, 122 have taken place on water slides. Go-
Kart caused 45 accidents, while the Rapids caused 42 accidents.
The roller coaster is in fourth place, accounting for only 39 of these events.
Water rides, including wave pools, surf rides and water rides, account for 40% of the total accidents.
Considering that water rides account for only 11% of what is allowed to operate in New Jersey, this is high.
According to Tammori Petty, spokesman for the state Department of Community Affairs, unlike roller coasters where people are tightly tied together, water rides are basically unrestricted. “[People]
\"I can put myself in a position that I didn\'t intend to,\" Petti said . \".
\"The flow of water is still not a precise science, and unpredictable things can happen. ”Similarly, go-
Kart is more risky because drivers are not limited by the tracks that can guide them.
\"This is a microcosm of our highway,\" Petti said . \"
When it comes to amusement parks, Mountain Creek Water Park (
Former Action Park that just took back the name)
It is a clear leader and only accounts for more than a hundred incidents.
By contrast, the Six Flags adventure has a total of 55 rides, attracting 2.
There were 3 million tourists last year.
However, it has about half of the events taking place in the Mountain Creek, with a total of 29 rides, over the last five years.
Mountain Creek water park is also the place with the most incidents in New Jersey-shells fall, a closed water slide to 10-
The foot fell into the swimming pool.
However, the number of accidents in Shanxi Water Park has dropped sharply from 70 in 2012 to 19 last year.
As far as amusement park operators are concerned, they point out that events in New Jersey have been on a downward trend for years, and state data do not state the whole story.
Perfect storm at Casino Pier, an interactive, multi
Among the individual rides in New Jersey, the number of water playground events ranked second.
In addition, only one of the 552 incidents in more than five years resulted in death.
According to DCA, only 5 people have died in the past 11 years.
Overall, the events of the 2013 season have declined compared to the past season.
However, the DCA notes that since it was the summer after Hurricane Sandy, many Marina amusement parks did not operate all the rides.
According to the law, the owner or operator should report any incident that caused the \"ride\" within 24 hours
Related injuries requiring first aid, or any mechanical failure, or emergency evacuation. ”NJ.
Com requested to receive data from the DCA through the public record method, and we looked at the owner\'s name and ride status to determine where each event occurred.
If it\'s a car for a ride on a rides rental or tour company, we just list the name of the company.
We then classify each ride by type.
Because many of the rides categories standardized by the American Association for testing and materials are too broad for us, we decided to create our own categories.
For example, vertical rotation is a mechanical amusement facility that rotates vertically but faster than a Ferris wheel.
In addition, the DCA collects data directly from the operator or owner.
As submitted to the country, we are posting this information without editing. NJ. com reporter S. P.
Sullivan contributed to the report.
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