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the latest: water park co-owner won\'t oppose extradition

by:KK INFLATABLE      2020-06-14
-Latest charges of 10 deathsyear-
The little boy on the water slide at the Kansas waterparkAll local time):3:45 p. m. The co-
The owner of the Kansas City water park will not object to his extradition to Kansas, where there are 10-year-
A young boy died on a water slide in 2016.
Currently, Schlitterbahn co-
Owner Jeffrey Wayne Henry will stay at Cameron County prison in Brownsville, Texas without bond.
However, District Judge Luis solora said that if Kansas officials did not pick up Henry Bond by Tuesday, he would accept a request to approve him.
In the Kansas indictment, Henry was charged with murder, serious assault and crimes against children.
The water slide he and John Sculley designed was charged with the death of 10 beheadingyuear-
Schlitterbahn\'s Kansas City, Kansas, old Caleb Schwab at water park. ___11:55 a. m.
Kansas says it will conduct a full audit of the inspection records at the Kansas City water park, where there are 10-year-
The old boy died in 2016.
S. State Department said Wednesday it will conduct an audit before the opening of the schlitterhorn Park in May 25.
Department spokesman Barbara Hirsch said the park needs to have qualified inspectors to inspect its rides on a daily basis and to report these checks at any time.
The department will ensure that the inspection has been completed, she said.
A grand jury has sued the Park, its former director of operations, a Schlitterbahn co-
The owner, a riding designer and a construction company were indicted on several criminal charges.
The allegations stem from Caleb Schwab\'s death in August 2016 on the park\'s largest waterslide in the world. ___7:40 a. m.
A company operating a waterslide in Kansas City, Kansas, said it was \"completely\" disputed recently due-year-
The old boy in the car.
The indictment, which was unsealed on Tuesday
Jeffrey Henry, owner of Schlitterbahn water park and resort, and John squey, designer of the ride
Caleb Schwab 2016 first-degree murder in death
Last week, Taylor Austin Myers, a former operations manager at the water park, was charged with 20 felony crimes, including manslaughter.
Schlitterbahn and its private construction company are also facing charges.
Schlitterbahn said in a statement that Caleb\'s death was \"a terrible and tragic accident \".
Henry, the school and Miles were \"innocent\" and the company carried out \"safe operations\", the report said \".
\"When his raft parachuted, Caleb died, and he hit a circle above his head. ___12:03 a. m.
Three people have been charged for 10 deaths. year-
Old Kansas boy promoted to be the world\'s largest waterslide.
The attorney general\'s office of Kansas says Schlitterbahn water park and resort
Owner Jeffrey Henry and riding designer John Sculley are second in charge of reckless
The degree of Murder announced Tuesday.
The charge stems from the death of Caleb Schwab 2016, who was beheaded when his raft parachuted in Kansas City Water Park, Kansas City.
Last week, the grand jury also charged the park and its former operations manager, Taylor Austin miles, with 20 felony charges including manslaughter.
Miles\'s lawyer said he was released on a $50,000 bond.
Henry was detained without a guarantee and the prosecutor said the school had not been detained.
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