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three children hurt when tornado forms over ocean and sends inflatable bounce house flying after coming ashore on beach

by:KK INFLATABLE      2020-06-21
Authorities say at least three children were injured in an emergency.
Level 0 tornado landed at Fort Lauderdale beach and sent to the city-
Inflatable bounce house flying in the air. The waterspout-turned-
On Monday afternoon, the tornado landed near the March hotel in Bahia and let the bounce house fly above the palm trees, the parking lot and four lanes.
The live video shows the water mouth.
Rotating columns of air and fine fog-
Move from the ocean, then hold the house above the tree line and finally pile it up.
Police in Fort Lauderdale say the three children have been taken to hospital.
When the children were sent to the Broward General Hospital, they remained vigilant and conscious.
An injured adult refused to be taken to hospital for treatment.
According to wsvm, when the bounce houses were lifted off, they were in the bounce house and popped up at a height of about 20 feet.
Kevin Dupree, a spokeswoman for Wikipedia, said the children seemed to have fallen when the House first crossed the beach.
Du Pree said: \"They immediately fell from the bounce house to the beach.
Mother of two, a six-year-oldyear-11-year-old girlyear-
The old boy said they were in stable condition.
Another child may be seriously injured, according to local reports.
On Sunday afternoon, police in Fort Lauderdale were keeping details of the situation of the injured child, but said they would not release the name of the \"injured teenager.
Bert Osten, 37year-
The old floor installer from Fort Lauderdale and his family pounced on the sand on their belly when they saw the water mouth spinning towards them.
\"It\'s on us.
We lay on the ground;
We are right in front of the bounce house.
\"We watched it pick up the bounce house and break the basketball stand,\" Osteen said . \".
However, when the water mouth passed through them, he hardly felt anything.
The tablecloth on the nearby picnic table was not even disturbed by the wind, he said.
The only problem, he said, was that the sand was stung by the sand.
\"This is the behavior of nature, this is unstoppable, and we can\'t respond quickly enough to this water mouth,\" Greenlow said.
The official added that the bounce house had been properly protected before it was lifted up.
According to the Palm Beach Post, the tornado may have grown to 30 feet wide, with an estimated maximum distance from the football field. EF-
Tornado gusts range from 65-
According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, 85 miles per hour.
According to the State Oceanic Administration, a tornado is a tornado formed on the surface of the water or moved from land to the surface of the water.
They have the same features as a land tornado.
They are associated with severe thunderstorms and are often accompanied by strong winds and sea, hail and frequent dangerous lightning.
The weight of the bounce house can be between 200.
600 pounds, NBC miami reports.
The owner of Connecticut\'s bounce house, Zach aszkla, suggested not to install his products on soft ground or windy days after a similar incident near Albany, New York.
During the bounce house disaster, three children were injured in their teens. by-ten-
Due to strong winds, the uncapped nylon bounce house with its feet fell off the plastic anchor pile.
The house was swept upside down, and the ten-year-old girl and two boys, aged five and six, fell out.
The girl immediately fell, slightly bruised, but the boy did not fall until the toy was 15 feet in the air.
One of the boys hit a parked car while the other fell on the street.
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