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tour de france: inflatable arch collapse causes chaos as stephen cummings wins seventh stage

by:KK INFLATABLE      2020-06-09
Stephen carmings won a fourth victory for the British driver in the African Dimension Data team of the French tour, with a separate success on the seventh stage, when the inflatable arch collapsed,
Cavendish\'s compatriot Mark Cavendish has won three of the first six stages for the African team.
Prior to Navarro in Spain, Darryl impeach in South Africa took second place on stage.
Belgian player Greg Van avilmette won fifth place and continues to lead France\'s Julian alaplippe and Spain\'s Alejandro Val in the yellow jersey competition
But when peloton, the leading competitor, arrived to find the inflatable arch that indicated that the last kilometer had collapsed, another Briton, Adam Yates, fell as he crossed the arch, causingThe 23-year-
The old Orika rider\'s chin was covered with blood and finally finished the stage.
The fireworks expected on the first major climb of this year\'s tour have never been met, although the most popular people, including defending champion Chris Flom and Colombian Nario Quintana, have not tried to attack each other.
But the French wanted Thibaut Pinot to suffer badly in the climb and lost in about 2 minutes and 30 seconds.
For the Olympic silver card mings
In the pursuit of the team, this is the second stage of victory for several consecutive years.
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