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turkey water park: three children among five dead in electrocution at akyazi pool

by:KK INFLATABLE      2020-06-15
In a swimming pool in a water park in the north, five people were electrocuted and three of them were children. west Turkey.
It is said that the three children were trapped by electric current in the swimming pool in the Park of Akazi town, and in the province of skariya, the park manager and his son jumped in and tried to save them.
All five people were rushed to hospital, but could not be rescued, according to the private news agency.
Anadolu news agency said six others were taken to hospital after injuries.
The children are 12, 15 and 17, according to private ntv TV channels.
According to dugen, the military police are investigating the cause of electric shock.
Television footage shows ambulances waiting outside the water park and people gathering outside Akyazi State Hospital.
According to dugen, police are investigating the cause of electric shock.
However, it added that there is a missing residual current circuit breaker in the park that turns off the power to prevent electric shock.
According to the BBC, Hurriyet news agency named the park manager Mehmet Kaya, 58, whose son was named 30-year-old Kadir Kaya.
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