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volcano bay erupts at universal orlando

by:KK INFLATABLE      2020-06-01
A few seconds after the trap door of the water slide launch cabin opened, I went straight down in the dark at an extremely fast speed and couldn\'t see the end.
A lot of thoughts flashed through my head: I can\'t believe how steep this is.
I can\'t believe how fast I\'m going.
What exactly did I get myself?
Will this end?
If, in fact, it does end, will my swimsuit still stick to me?
After surviving the collapse of kookri\'s body, I can report that it has actually ended my swimsuit (
And my dignity)
Remain complete.
However, almost intact is my ability to be brave
Challenge riding. (
It is worth noting that this is a very good thing. )
The body of Ko\'okiri\'s fall is the most terrible water slide I \'ve ever experienced --
Until I tried the more eccentric Kala and Tai Nui winding body slides in the park.
To the wild, in-your-
In the face of the excitement of the theme park, Universal has established a water park full of fierce water-
Based on experience.
If you don\'t share my passion for stimulating rides, there are plenty of less challenging slides and attractions in Volcano Bay.
In the beautiful South China Sea islands, there is even a chance to relax.
The resort regards its new property as \"number one-of-its-
Water theme park.
\"It may be a bit exaggerated, but the Volcano Bay does raise the threshold.
We call it the new wave water park.
The origin of this type can be traced back to the River country of Disney World and the humid Wild Orlando1970s.
Since then, Disney has closed the original water park, but opened two more.
The rat\'s Typhoon Lagoon and Blizzard Beach can reasonably claim a description of the \"water theme park.
In the past few years, the world has quietly owned and operated the aging Wet \'n Wild.
On December, the park was closed in preparation for the opening of the Volcano Bay (
Universal Studios Orlando is reported to be only a few miles from its resort and plans to transform the Wet wildlife area into more hotels and a second shopping and dining area).
With Typhoon Lagoon and Blizzard Beach, a mountain sits in the center of the Volcano Bay.
At 200 feet M, however, the global company\'s kracato volcano Tower is a spectacular sight over its rivals.
The waterfall falls down from the mountain and waves pools on the water Beach at the bottom of the volcano (
By the way, according to the detailed background of the globe, Waturi is a fictional South Pacific Islander who settled in idyllic volcanic bay, making guests honorary Islander by visiting the park).
At night, the lighting effect helps turn the waterfall into something that looks like a lava stream.
The most extreme slide in the park is inside the volcano.
Brave riders must climb the steps of the equivalent of 13 stairs to reach them.
While breathing, they can see spectacular views of the park and other parts of the Orlando globe from the mountains.
They can also see 28-
Kerry Volcano Bay is surrounded by all sides.
The park is so close to me-4.
In fact, in order to reach the main entrance, visitors must go through a tunnel, which is located under the exit ramp of the highway.
Disney World has a large number of properties to build and expand, while the resort area at Universal Orlando is much smaller.
It seems to be in use every square foot.
The other side of the park is next to Kasana Bay, one of the top five attractions around the worldHotel.
Guests staying at Kasana Bay can enter the water park through their own gate.
At 125 feet M, ko \'okiri\'s body drop is only 5 feet higher than Summit Plummet, a thrilling speed slide on Blizzard Beach.
However, this feeling is more out of control.
This may be because, unlike Disney\'s slides, Ko\'okiri was a drop capsule in the first place.
A rider climbed up the capsule, tilted back and nervously watched a glass door close to bury him.
The beat of the pipe
With his accelerated breathing and pulse, he accelerated in the tribal drum.
Take the operator to count from three to one, press a button and the floor of the capsule opens to release the passenger to 70-Free fall.
I think \"Ko\'okiri\" might be Waturi because \"you must be joking.
\"The shocked rider was thrown unpolitely into the splash pool at the bottom.
Ko\'okiri Body diving is the highest speed slide in the United States.
With the two winding body slides of the Volcano Bay, the rider is at the same 125-foot-
As a high loading platform for Ko\'okiri, it shares the world record for the highest drop capsule slide.
As their name suggests, snake-like snakes slide inside and around the volcano instead of shooting passengers directly down.
Because their route is more roundabout, they are high in a lost direction. speed, lights-
It takes longer to complete the journey.
This gives passengers more time to think about the ridiculously noisy rides.
The Krakatau water roller coaster is not as strong as the coastline, but still satisfactory wild and fun, it starts with approaching the ground and uses magnetic propulsion (
Instead of the more commonly used sprinkler in water parks)
To fourCanoe-
Climb the volcano like a raft.
Long trips have multiple uphill launches and drops.
Universal believes that the water roller coaster is a landmark attraction in volcanic bay and expects it to be the most popular ride.
However, the park did not prepare for the queue.
This is because there is no line for any rides.
Instead, visitors get wearable TapuTapu bracelets when they enter the front door.
They tap the waterproof device in the kiosks pavilion near each attraction, book the ride time and enter the virtual line.
They can float in the Kopiko Wai Winding River, catch some waves, or sit in the recliner and relax (
It is commendable that there seems to be a lot of volcanic Bay
It wasn\'t until TapuTapu reminded them that it was time to ride.
This concept is groundbreaking in theory.
In reality, the world has experienced some openness.
Hiccups during the day add a burden to the booking system, resulting in long delays.
The park should be able to keep TapuTapu up to speed in a short period of time.
Riders still need to climb a lot of stairs in order to get to the slide, but unlike most parks, they don\'t need to carry pipes or rafts.
Each slide that requires them has a delivery system that lifts the tubes to the loading platform.
Including four features of Honu
Two half-tube life rafts-
Like the wall and Maku it sent six
The passenger raft rotates in a bowl.
Other Thrilling rides include Ohno, a winding body slide before storing passengers on the splash pool for 6 feet metres.
Like a cartoon character who is about to encounter gravity, passengers will plop instantly before falling into the water.
And the fearless river (
Take a slightly more aggressive attitude towards a lazy river)
A reef with waterfalls and a play area with small slides and interactive water elements for young visitors.
Universal Studios paid a lot of attention to the food in the park.
Pizza and chicken are on the menu.
But the same is true for poke bowls, grilled mahi sandwiches, pineapple salsa, and quinoa stuffed bean burgers with roasted mushrooms.
My personal favorite is a mango salad grilled pork sandwich.
Chocolate lava cake for dessert (
Volcano Bay, after all)
Delicious chocolate pineapple upside down cake.
If you think you can give your intuition
Painful Ko\'okiri Body spinning, I recommend doing this before you grab the internal organs
Chocolate pineapple cake.
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