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water balls a \"deadly danger\": cpsc

by:KK INFLATABLE      2020-05-31
Nowadays, walking on the water is more than just the content of the Bible text.
It is going on around the world and around the United States. S.
Thanks to a special bubble.
But the federal government is now warning consumers that the latest fashion could be fatal.
Consumer Reporter Susan Koeppen says the balls can cause suffocation or drowning, according to the Consumer Product Safety Committee.
A cbs News poll showed a controversial police video showing protesters in Hong Kong starting a massive blackout three years ago. Manufacturers say there are now more than 1,000 water balls in the United States.
From the water park to the backyard pool, the \"water walking ball\" is the latest entertainment craze sweeping the country.
When you climb up the transparent air bubbles, it is filled with air, and then you can walk on the water.
It looks interesting, but is it safe?
In last November, at a shopping mall near Boston, a girl stopped breathing while playing water polo and became \"unresponsive \".
Witness Jamie Gavin said: \"She is completely blue and completely lame.
She needs a few minutes of CPR.
When they pulled her out, I thought she was dead.
\"The girl survived, but now the CPSC has issued a consumer alert warning that the water walking ball could be a\" fatal danger \".
CPSC Chairman Inez Tenenbaum told CBS News, \"there is a risk of choking, drowning or serious injury inside the ball.
Critics say oxygen will run out and carbon dioxide will rise to dangerous levels in a few minutes.
Another concern, Koeppen notes, is that a person in trouble cannot go out on his own. E-
Mail SusanSusan\'s Twitter page, \"consumers enter the water walking ball, which is compressed from the outside;
Consumers cannot open the ball . \"
But manufacturers say there is absolutely no danger when water balls are used correctly.
Bruce Spitzer, owner of rides company Eurobungy, said, \"I believe our products are safe.
\"European bungee has sold more than 200 balls in the United States. S.
Said it had never experienced a serious injury.
Spitzer said, \"I think this is a huge overreaction because most of it is used by the responsible rider who knows how to use them safely and how to protect them.
Nevertheless, the CPSC says these balls are too dangerous and consumers should stay away from it.
\"Now We warn all consumers not to use these balls, which is a very strong warning,\" Tenenbaum said . \".
\"We are still investigating further and we will take all necessary measures to protect the safety of consumers.
The manufacturer of the water polo said that according to the size of the person using the water polo, they have enough air inside, up to an hour.
But CPSC says it knows there is no safe way to use this product.
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