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how tough mudder and its \'adult obstacle courses\' became a £100m business

One Sunday morning, Will Dean told his girlfriend Katie: \"I\'m going to kill thousands of people by electricity.
She kept reading the newspaper and was calm in her heart.
But Sheffield
Founder ofToughMudder-now
This weekend, the global series of obstacles to success at the Gloucester County badminton court is very serious.
Dean, 36, explained: \"I started calling the engineering company and said, \'Hello, we are strong and we want to shock people with electricity. In May 2010, after studying for an MBA at Harvard Business School, he opened his first \"adult weekend obstacle course\" in Allen, Pennsylvania \".
\"You will pause for a moment, and then the line will disappear.
People thought they were being played a prank.
\"An obstacle known as electroshock therapy, including crossing the wire with a voltage of 10,000 V (
Three times that of a normal electric fence)
Now is the iconic challenge of the event.
\"As CEO, I play a unique role in all of this because I am also a major shareholder.
People say, \"Well, we can\'t do that.
I said, \"Yes, we can.
We can have a board meeting and get approval in two seconds.
Look, it just happened . . . . . . Dean worked at the counter for five years in the UK --
Terrorist officials in the Middle East and Afghanistan did not seek to achieve entrepreneur spirit until they were suppressed by bureaucracy.
His Harvard mentor called his business plan \"optimistic \".
He prayed for 500 customers at the inauguration and received 4,500 customers.
So far, there are 130 annual mudmudderevent in 11 countries, with 3 million participants worldwide.
Customers this weekend paid up to £ 139 to cover £ 10. to 12-
Miles of tunnels, nets, walls, fire, ice and mud are everywhere.
The company now earns more than $100 a year.
In an \"innovation lab\" in Pennsylvania, obstacles keep appearing, where human guinea pigs go through bundles of grass every morning and immerse their limbs in a bucket of ice.
Crying baby, an obstacle that requires people to climb over their eyes --
Water smoke was tested by spraying employees with homemade tear gas. Spider Box (
Pit full of tarantula)and Acid Rain (
Container of floating acid bubble)
No cuts.
\"The innovation lab sounds crazy,\" Dean said . \".
\"I joked that you will never win a Nobel prize unless you test it yourself.
Let\'s start by saying: let\'s think about something unimaginable.
We ended up saying: now we have to do this in Dubai, Germany and Mexico and get thousands of people of all shapes and sizes through in an hour.
This is a strange remittance.
Obstacle games have become very popular, with 5 million people from 40 countries participating each year.
ToughMudderattracts attracts a mix of husband and wife, family, friends, colleagues, students and executives.
\"The mud is flat,\" Dean said . \".
But why spend money to endure the pain created?
Dean believes that this trend may be a response to our risks to some extent.
Hate society with desk
Binding staff seeking to share the original experience in social media and bar chat.
But he insists the benefits are true.
\"I believe in challenging myself to accept new things. I believe this is the secret of developing self-confidence.
In an interesting way, running through wires gives people the confidence to take on other challenges and changes in their lives.
He said Stod\'s interesting values helped them beat smart competitors such as the Spartan Race, which was launched in 2007 by former Wall Street trader Joe De Sena.
Miss the barriers to the Sparta game and you have to do 30 burpees.
Nobody cares about this.
Time of Spartans and ranking of all contestants (
DeSena insists that accountability is a real secret to improving health
But the dean refused, often 2008 triathlon time-
A conscious athlete will not stop to help him unlock the zipper of his diving suit.
\"My belief comes from saying: I will do this.
My friend will do this.
I really believe that a game is not a game but a market.
\"Dean now lives in New York with his lawyer wife Katie and their wife --year-
Old daughter izebel
He still handled the course himself and took part in the \"Breakfast Club\" exercise at the company\'s Brooklyn headquarters.
His events have deliberately inspired the same sense of community-what he calls \"tribes \".
He doesn\'t like to see people running. by-
Next to the treadmill in the gym, never talk.
His events force you to ask strangers for help to expand the walls and the network.
\"Toughmudder gives you a sense of personal accomplishment, a sense of teamwork, a part of something bigger than yourself, and hope is a pleasure.
\"It turned out to be very popular in the UK and he was not surprised.
\"We are more convinced than any other culture not to take ourselves too seriously.
We have two teams and three teams in our school sports.
No Americans will be involved.
It will be an embarrassment.
You do make a difference around the world.
The German asked six times more customer service questions.
Final registration for Australiansminute.
But it\'s kind of like kids and ice cream-its appeal is universal.
Next month, Dean publishes a new business book that requires a tribe to analyze the social psychology, corporate theory, and personal stories behind his success.
It also recorded a fierce battle to shape the company.
Dean and De Sena used to hang provocative advertising banners at each other\'s events.
De Senna once claimed in an interview: \"There is no one on this planet that I despise more than Dean.
Since then, they have made friends at lunch, but the competitive relationship has disappeared.
\"I have a lot of respect for Joe De Sena, just like I made fun of him.
When asked if we have something in common, I once said: Yes, we wake up every morning and the first thing we think of is to get more chaotic.
But I do think that the idea of a competitor means that we end up creating two companies that look similar but quite different on the surface.
What is even more disturbing is the millions of dollars of litigation that the Dean faced in 2010.
Billy Wilson, a former soldier who opened an obstacle course in Wolverhampton in 1987, provided Dean\'s Harvard research with his company information and then accused him of stealing him
Dean was sued for slander.
After a fierce battle, the two men reached a non-disclosure agreement in 2011, with Dean reportedly paying $725,000.
\"There\'s only so much I can say, but one thing I can say is that we\'re actually four times as fast as we were.
We are not just fighting for the survival of the company.
All of a sudden, everything is online: personal bankruptcy, reputation.
The pressure is very great.
But now it\'s part of the story.
I don\'t think we would have been so ambitious if it weren\'t for that experience.
\"Dean, aware of the long-term need for innovation, has added a number of activities in recent years, such as Mini-Mudder(for kids)
The strongest man in the worlda 24-
Elite hour activities).
He has signed a TV deal with CBS and Sky Sports, and now he is running toughmudderboot training camp across the UK, offering highintensity, 45-
Training in minutes.
\"There are some things in society that are worrying now,\" he explained . \".
\"The proportion of obesity and diabetes has risen, loneliness has risen, people spend more time on social media, and less time with friends.
All of this is back to our mission to develop a global tribe.
Training camp is the center of the local community, and the event is a pilgrimage when the tribes gather together.
I don\'t pretend we\'re treating cancer.
But I do think we are making the world a better place in our own way.
For details of the event, go to totoughmudder. co. uk.
Jeep has launched a limited product: Jeep. co. uk/tough-
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