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inflatable lamp lights up places off the grid

During the blackout days after Hurricane Sandy almost paralyzed New York City, most parts of the world suffered a permanent blackout: at least once.
According to the International Energy Agency, 3 billion people are unable to access the grid.
There are still many people who can\'t expect all-weather power supply.
A New York City startup called Mpowerd is trying to change that. -
It\'s not a big power plant, it\'s a $16 combination of solar energy. -
Power lamp, cell phone charger and Wi-
FI hot spots are called Luci.
To make it work, just add air.
Lucy looks like a flashlight and an inflatable pool toy cross.
It began as a round peace.
Blow air into the top valve to inflate it to 5-inch-
A high-definition cylinder, with a solar panel and a circle of 10 white LED lights, illuminates the cylinder from the bottom to make it 60 degrees brighter. -Watt bulb.
When flattened, Lucy squeezes light through a smaller opening, concentrating it like a flashlight.
This design makes Lucy very light, 4 ounces, and hard to kill.
It can fall without injury or even float.
Inventor Jason Allen Snyder said, \"You don\'t want to swim with him, but he can survive the shower absolutely. \"
Snyder hopes it will also be popular in the United States. S.
And in other rich countries, perhaps emergency lights for camping or blackouts.
\"It\'s a wearable technology,\" he said, compressing the cylinder and lifting it over his shoulder.
\"You can tie it on. It\'s charged all day.
When the sun goes down, you can take it out and have a lamp. \"[
See also: Preparing for Disasters]
Small solar panels take six hours to recharge lithium-
Ion batteries provide up to 12 hours of light.
Batteries can be used for about a year, and Mpowerd is working on a plan to allow people to return solar panels and batteries and get rebates.
It is also experimenting with biodegradable plastics.
Although Mpowerdis helped, it also made money.
The company will sell Lucy for 15 dollars.
99. Don\'t give up.
But it encourages customers to do so.
Like every children\'s show, a single laptop and Tom\'s shoes, Mpowerd will offer \"Buy one get one free\" programs.
A customer can buy a lamp and provide a second\'s worth of money to communities in need, totalling about $20 to $25.
The company also hopes to provide them to international aid organizations. (
Jill van den Brule, its communications director, worked for UNICEF. .
He said Mpowerd was discussing deals with more than a dozen companies. -
Founder Steven Gundersen.
The initial focus was on Africa, but Gondsen said they also wanted to bring Lucy to Asia and Latin America.
Lighting is just the beginning of Snyder.
He\'s already trying to add a cell phone charger next year.
Speaking of wireless, he also plans to add wi-
FI, so that a group of Lucis can be connected to form a network.
\"I put solar panels on both sides of them,\" Snyder said.
\"So you can put them down. . . Then leave and build a network.
\"This story is provided by Science and Technology Weekly, a sister website of Life Sciences.
The best technology gifts for five $1,010 inventions came out ahead of schedule with five NASA inventions that changed our LiveScorpright 2012 LiveScience, a technology media network company.
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