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inflatable rats, cookies, and staggering ineptitude: a tale of hunting writers

11: 30 on Wednesday, November 7. m.
\"They\'re not exactly cookies,\" Marvin said . \"He is right.
They are not cookies in any traditional sense.
\"They\'re kind of like sugary bread,\" I suggest.
\"Or chocolate pancakes,\" Marvin said.
\"They look like chocolate pancakes.
\"The right words are important to them, not just because we are drunk.
The correct name of these cookies-
Because the recipients they assume are writers, the esque project is important.
Writers care about writing.
The writer who has problems is now against the Internet.
They are in the struggle with the corporate giants, and we are totally sympathetic to them,-honestly -
That\'s not why we brought them pancakes and chocolate cookies.
Because we are superficial people, we have to bring them.
Marvin and I are also writers.
But we are not paid for writing.
We want to change that.
The writers strike is an unparalleled social opportunity for us.
So we\'re making cookies.
\"I think you should mix the ingredients in a certain order,\" Marvin suggested . \".
\"There is no water in the recipe.
\"I should have thought of that. \"Maybe,\" I say.
\"But I doubt it\'s different.
\"Marvin controls the next batch and melts butter, eggs and vanilla into a warm sticky substance before adding any flour.
They came out pretty.
I said, \"it may be the temperature of the oven . \"
\"You turned it over.
\"Thursday, November 8. m.
We had a great breakfast with chocolate biscuit pancakes.
Real cookies
Batch of Marvinare untouched.
We all want some good cookies, but these are for writers. . . paid writers.
We all felt a little uncomfortable, but we still put a brown paper bag with aluminum foil and filled it with biscuits. 10:45 a. m.
I heard on the news last week that the writers strike took place at Rockefeller Center.
The Times has a picture of Tina Fey shouting.
Maybe we will meet Tina Fey.
We left my fifth. floor walk-
In Harlem, in \'47-
Stop at 50 Street/Rockefeller Center on Train B.
We all look authentic in jeans and jerseys.
Marvin has glasses.
We walked through the subway tunnel to the exit.
We look forward to coming out from the depths and seeing the ice rink and a series of picnics in the distance.
They will feel hungry and grateful for our arrival.
Our website has been marked.
If someone asks to see our work, we will refuse at first and then give in after a little pressure.
As soon as Rockefeller Center appeared, there was no writer.
Or they are not very loud.
There should be a huge inflatable mouse. We see no rat.
We\'re all confused.
We stood in the sun for a while and watched the skaters.
A man passes.
\"Sorry,\" I asked, \"did the writers stop the strike ? \"?
\"They came on Monday,\" he said . \"
\"I think they might be somewhere in Queens right now.
\"Do they have a huge inflatable mouse ? \"\" I ask.
\"Maybe so,\" he said . \"
We gave him a cookie and he left.
We each had a cookie. 2 p. m.
Since I couldn\'t find the writers, I jumped on the bus to Washington DC and had a long weekend.
Sunday, November 1111. m. Paydirt!
The Sunday Times has a long article written by daily program writer Rachel Exler about the strike.
She said they move every day.
We should think of this.
When I watch the TV replay, I think about my next step.
November 14 Wednesday afternoon 3:30m.
I finally got home and found Marvin.
He eats cookies in my apartment.
Did you read the Sunday Times? \" I ask.
Writers move every day.
\"How will we find them ? \"\" Marvin asks.
\"How many giant inflatable mice can Manhattan have? \" I ask.
This is a rhetorical question with power behind it.
I say to myself, \"good dialogue,\" which writers will like.
\"Each of us has a cookie to celebrate.
Thursday, November 1511. m.
On the Sixth Avenue and 31 th Street, I saw a huge inflatable mouse.
I asked a woman in the corner why there was a huge inflatable mouse on the street.
\"The union is on strike,\" she said . \"
So, they put a mouse.
\"Wait, which union? \"Workers.
I paused.
The giant inflatable mouse is clearly a common symbol of strike or unity. It appears rat-
Tracking does not work.
\"Well, it\'s good for them,\" I said.
I have a spare cookie in my bag, but I don\'t want to be a worker in particular, so I keep it myself. 11:45 a. m.
Marvin was at home when I arrived.
\"Obviously there are more than one inflatable mouse in Manhattan,\" I said . \".
\"I found a website,\" Marvin said . \"
\"Writers post where they are going to strike.
On Wall Street today.
\"Of course there is a website.
What we should be aware
\"I\'m also thinking about using the Internet,\" I said . \".
\"Maybe we can catch them.
\"We ran out of cookies,\" Marvin said . \"
We ate them all.
I sat down with Marvin, and then
Because we\'re hungry.
We each had some chocolate pancakes.
Read more about the strike on the Huffington Post writers strike page.

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